Build a Sustainable Business, Feel More Confident

I help people that look successful on the outside, feel successful on the inside.

Why confidence coaching?

Because you deserve to believe in yourself

It sucks moving through life not feeling proud of yourself. The good news is that confidence is a skill that can be learned and feeling proud of who you are and what you’re doing is so, so possible. Employing a cheerleader will help you level up and learn to feel like your favorite self. You are the best investment you can make! Trust the process, stay open to feedback and realize that the more you believe in yourself, the more light you can shine in the world.

Your inspiration, your love, your unique gifts – they all matter! It’s time to step fully into your power and realize the positive differences you can make in other’s lives, and most importantly, your own. The world can never have enough of that special spark that’s unique to you and rediscovering your confidence will ensure that your inner light radiates brighter than ever before.

The world needs more YOU

The DM’s have spoken.

Ive been thinking how much we’ve grown and evolved through this coaching! You’re helping on so many different aspects of my life. I’m so grateful to have you! ❤️

Keep doing what you are doing, you make a difference.

So fun to see you too, Sensi! When I’m around you, I just want to giggle and laugh. What a beautiful thing. Your energy fosters so much joy! 💥 ⚡︎ 🌱 ☀️

Thank you for your amazing work and for supporting us freelance artists business owners to be able to create like we do. 🔥🔥🔥

Your’re so rad, Sensi! It’s been a while and I just wanted to tell you that. Keep kicking ass and inspiring other humans. You’re incredibly good at both! 😎

Really admire your passion, especially your commitment and dedication with your business as well as your confidence boosting videos. Thanks to you I get motivation again. 💕

Hi Sensi! Nice meeting you at the beach today! Love all the positivity you spread on social media 🙏 🙌 I always find a lot of inspiration in your posts so thank you putting your positive energy out there!

You are my 5yr olds hero. I know your big air comp didn’t go as you’d hoped but for my young athlete its super impactful to watch someone she looks up to have an off day. Thank you for modeling bravery, resiliency and confidence even when you are not on top ❤️

Who I Mentor

Women in Male-Dominated Fields

You lack belief in yourself and want to create more confidence in who you are and what you’re doing. You’re in a tough role that requires a lot and you need the skills to show up like the woman you want to be. You need a cheerleader to help you remember how impactful you are. So you can go kick some a**.

The Aspiring Entrepreneur

You’re a service or product-based aspiring entrepreneur who wants to clarify her vision and put concrete steps in place to launch. You need help refining your ideal customer, creating a strong purpose and mission statement and establishing your brand values and confidence in yourself in preparation for launch.

The Existing Biz Owner

You’re a service or product-based business owner who lacks a clear brand and marketing strategy. You need help clarifying your message and developing a strong marketing plan to get to the next level. You also need help gaining the confidence to launch your business into the stratosphere.

What you’ll walk away with…

Purpose & Mission

By the end of our time together, you’ll have a new-found grasp on your purpose and mission in life and business. Through learning to create a framework of what success looks like for you, you’ll find it easier to look beyond obstacles and fully pursue your passions in life.

Future Vision

Creating a future visualization is a powerful step in moving from where you are now to where you want to be. By claiming where you’re going, who you want to become, and what you want to achieve, you’ll gain clarity and confidence in taking your first steps on your journey of growth.

Your Power Words & Alter Ego

Together, we’ll find your power words, which describe how you show up when you’re operating at your best. We’ll also uncover your alter ego, the person you need to tap into to gain the confidence to grow to the next level.

A Gameplan for Negative Self-Talk

You’ll gain valuable tools to reframe negative self-talk, overcome imposter syndrome, and overall, create space for expansion in your life. Learn how to notice, befriend and say “no thank you” to the negative gremlin on your shoulder.

Morning and Evening Routines 

Through our work together, we will establish powerful morning rituals and evening routines, that allow you to set yourself up for success. Habit creation is the cornerstone of building a successful life.

Your Top Values

Establishing your personal values is an essential part of elevating your life. From there, we evaluate how you may or may not be living in line with your values, and create steps to get you closer to your ideal life.

A Celebratory Mindset

It’s invaluable to be stoked with right where you’re at in life – you’re already awesome, you’re already worthy and you’re already doing enough! Learn how to establish practices that help you grasp that realization and create immense positive change, from where you are today.

Mentoring Offerings

Loaded with tangible tools and accountability, this mentoring program is designed to help you overcome fear, self-doubt, and not feeling good enough. With Sensi as your cheerleader and guide, you can learn to make simple changes to your daily routine to start feeling more awesome and successful NOW.

1:1 Personalized Mentoring

A fantastic opportunity for groups to come together and gain ready-to-use tools on reclaiming confidence, dissolving imposter syndrome, and creating the best version of you.

Group Workshops

Learn to build confidence, become comfortable with failure, and believe in yourself through this self-guided course. So much more than a class, this journey of introspection will leave you feeling inspired to expand into the next level of life.

Self-Paced Confidence Course


  • Yes! One-off calls are available for pep-talks, strategy sessions or check-ins. Use this session to prep for: a product launch, an investor pitch, to prompt some introspection or to change how you feel about yourself.

    Sesions cost $275/hour.

  • I love offering playshops and group mentoring sessions. I am a trained facilitator and create experiences that are fun, engaging, and people-focused. We’re going to have fun and learn a lot.

  • 1:1 mentoring is customized to the individual and therefore our sessions are guaranteed to be impactful. In general we focus on YOU and then your offering.

  • 5 weeks of 1:1 mentoring is $1700

    3 months is $3000

    6 months is $5500

    Payment plans and pay in full discounts exist.

  • My self-paced confidence course is the BEST way to get all of this good information at a super affordable price.

Ready to take your confidence and business to the next level?

I’m here to help you feel AMAZING! Let’s do this thing.